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Evidence of Cosmic Neighbours


Canada will lead the public discussion of Exopolitic's related issues, ie; alien Contact, our future alien presence on Mars, interplanetary affairs, the establishing of an Alien Embassy and the establishing of an Agency of Intergalactic Intelligence that will provide and disseminate information to the public.

As we discuss our own future march into space, we cannot help but look back at our own history and wonder about the potential influence that Cosmic visitors may have had upon our history. Seemingly, publicly, there has been a policy of non-interference in our worldly affairs (they aren't openly invading us, or causing detriment; they are seemingly observing us, while we observe them), whilst rumours of private collaboration between secret government agencies and otherworldly beings has been rumoured for decades. If we wish to open up a public discussion about these issues, and uncover the truth about potential past collaborations, or reasoning for their visitation - we need to further open up this conversation to the public, and build an Embassy where such entities can land publicly without being endangered - rather than labelling them as advanced aerial threats and attempting to shoot down their craft in order to obtain high level technology. Canada's Royal Canadian Mint recently released a "UFO coin" to commemorate a famous UFO encounter. Should we invest a bit more in a future government, that would openly pursue the study of Ufology and Exopolotics? It might be an idea worth considering.. 1 oz. Pure Silver Glow-in-the-Dark Coin - Canada's Unexplained Phenomena: The Falcon Lake Incident - Mintage: 4,000 (2018) Time-Space Embassy In 2014, the Raelien community requested Canada build an Alien Embassy that would allow for Cosmic Entities to land and contact mankind as a species. In response to this request, the Canadian government appointed Deepak Obhrai as Canada's designated Intergalactic Ambassador. In the near future, this position and a potential Embassy; would become critical pieces of Canada's Space Infrastructure. The Star Party would seek to see a Time-Space Embassy constructed if elected, for the purpose of encouraging and handling of Martian Colonization, as well as for handling potential contact scenarios with other civilizations, or time-space travellers. DISCLOSURE PROJECT Details: The Disclosure Project is an initiative led by over 300 professionals from various fields, including military, intelligence, doctors, police and other civilian agencies. For over a decade they have approached governments worldwide and led panel discussions on the subject of UFOLOGY and Disclosure of Black Budget Technologies developed from crashed disks. MUFON CANADA The Canadian chapter of the Mutual UFO Network MUFON Canada Website: Additional UFO Organizations: UFO Tracking Programs The US recently disclosed that it had in the near past operated a UFO tracking program that was a multi-BILLION dollar effort... in the range of $600 Billion. So this is clearly of interest to their government. It should be to ours, and not only our government but our entire society as a whole. US - UFO tracking Program This program's publication; proves, without a doubt - that the study of UFOs and UFOlogy are scientifically and politically valid, based on the US governments multi-billion dollar investment in tracking these objects and their occupants. Beyond that, we're left to realm of declassified files, whistleblower accounts, alleged reports of sightings and abductions, and other x-file like cases buried within a mountain of conspiracy theory. I'll poke at a few of the more popular theories to seek to make or break their factuality, as well as dig at some of those lesser known one's from beyond the common conspiracy knowledge bank. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alleged Neighbours Throughout popular culture, ufology and various conspiracy theories, many different Cosmic Entities have been presented as possible real world visitors. Below, a list of the most common claims and details of their origins and mythology are posted for the purpose of debating potential contact scenarios. In order to better understand the field of Exopolitics, and mankind's future destiny among the Stars - we need be aware of our potential neighbours and their attempted influence on our history, and potential influence on our future. If a new Cosmic Nation is emerging (Humanity), would there be any potential that space-powers or cosmic neighbours might try to influence us to see things their way - like human superpowers do, to fledgling nation states? We believe that it is in our own human interests, to consider these rumours accordingly; as we charter our own Cosmic Course of the Future as an exercise to prepare society for real contact scenarios in the distant, or not so distant future. SUMMARIZATION NOTE - This list is a compilation of data based on a mixture of prominent Exopolitics research, UFO disclosure files, UFO hearings, and reported encounters. It is meant to serve as a theoretical foundation for our future Exopolitics policies; encouraging public debate about our future in space and how we might handle a variety of different Extraterrestrial encounters with different species, with different agendas - should they be encountered in a manner of the third kind, in the not so distant future. Last Updated: 4-24-18 Tall Whites Claimed Origin: Zeta Reticuli Details: Paul Hellyer, Canada's WW2 Defense Minister - has openly stated that the United States is working with at least 2 Tall Whites on a regular basis in secret locations in the United States. Paul Hellyer was responsible for the amalgamation of the Canadian Navy, Airforce and Army into the Canadian Forces, and is a well respected Engineer and politician. He cut the opening ceremony ribbon at Canada's UFO landing pad in 1967, and has been an outspoken activist on UFO/ET related issues for decades. Paul Hellyer has claimed that Tall whites allegedly reside in Nevada at a secret base where military and government representatives made a deal during the term of President Eisenhower, to procure advanced technology - which has been released over time to the public through various corporate entities and shell companies. Some theories claim these Tall white entities are the product of human-gray hybridization. Articles: FORBES - Iran Claims Tall White Space Aliens control America Obama claims Aliens won't let disclosure happen - 2015 Exopolitics Policy: Canada will advocate the dissemination of any and all information regarding this species, and advocate their presence and agenda be made public. Grays Claimed Origin: Zeta Reticuli Details: Short in stature (3'-6') with black glassy eyes, claims of sightings of short, big eyed, Gray aliens, are the most common throughout history. Throughout science fiction and reported encounters, Grays have made appeared in countless films, news reports and real sightings - although sometimes they are shown as being green, or orange, or other shades. It is alleged that there are many types of Grays, as they have spread across the Milky way and have since adapted to their environments giving to a variety of 'Grays'. Some are reportedly transbiological (Cybernetic Organisms), and reproduce via cloning. Over a long period of time; its alleged those who utilize this method of reproduction have encountered genetic issues that has led to them abducting humans, to create a hybrid Human-Grey race that would effectively revitalize their own genetic pool and allow them to perpetuate their existence through sexual reproduction. They are at times associated with the Taller Whites, allegedly operating as a worker class. Additional rumours state that some Grays may be PLF's (programmed life forms) that were created by a race that has since, gone extinct - or the Tall whites. Popular Culture: Roger - American Dad Popular Culture: Paul (Movie) Exopolitics Policy: Canada will advocate the dissemination of any and all information regarding this species, and advocate their presence and agenda be made public. Ebens Claimed Origin: Planet Serpo, Zeta Reticuli Details: It is alleged that the Roswell UFO crash in the United States; led to the United States procuring an entity known as EBE-1. (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity #1) that eventually led to opening up communications with extraterrestrials and the launch of an exchange program, between our two civilizations known as PROJECT SERPO. Reports claim that 12 humans were allowed to travel to planet Serpo in the Zeta Reticuli star system, where the 'Ebens' allegedly reside and originate. There is rumoured to be a RED BOOK and YELLOW book - that reportedly retain further details of Scientific observations made on Serpo. The Red Book is reported to be a detailed document several thousand pages in length, while the Yellow Book is reported to be a highly advanced alien "smart" device that is far beyond the technological capabilities of our present day smartphones. Article 1: Alleged Project SERPO Reports Article 2: RED BOOK Article 3: YELLOW BOOK Exopolitics Policy: Canada will advocate the dissemination of any and all information regarding this species, and advocate their presence and agenda be made public. Emerther Claimed Origin: Unknown Details: Emerther claims originate from a Russian UFO Document that claims they are part of a council of 5, that watch over our planets development. They are reportedly a type of Gray alien, that is one of the most advanced species in our Galaxy. Exopolitics Policy: Canada will advocate the dissemination of any and all information regarding this species, and advocate their presence and agenda be made public. Sirians / Nordics / Pleiadians Claimed Origin: Sirius Star System Details: Sirians, Nordics, or Pleiadians as they are also commonly known; allegedly come from the Sirius star systems and are a benevolent human-like race that has in the past, reportedly made requests for humanity to disarm its Nuclear arsenal so as to prevent us from using them on ourselves, or others. They are commonly reported as tall, with white skin, and blonde hair. It is claimed that their mission on Earth is one of good will. Exopolitics Policy: Canada will advocate the dissemination of any and all information regarding this species, and advocate their presence and agenda be made public. Alpha-Draconians / Saurians / Reptilians Claimed Origin: Draco Star System, or Ancient Earth Details: A castle like hierarchy of lizard-like humanoids, these creatures allegedly employ molecular shape shifting and laser holograms to reconstruct their appearance as they see fit. According to conspiracy theories, this race actively involves itself in Earth's political affairs; and seeks to dominate the entirety of the human race through a global fascist hierarchy which is secretly ruled by these shape shifting extraterrestrials. Some conspiracies allege that members of various Royal houses, influential actors and entertainers, and various politicians across the globe - are disguised reptilians. It is rumoured that this species has a very intricate caste system, with several varieties of Reptilians working as servants, priests, and warriors of an elite Alpha-Draconian leadership and reportedly called the Pindar. In the US, this theory has millions of supporters and it has even been openly discussed and debated in mainstream media. I grew up watching a show called Dino Riders which spins this theory into a time traveling sci-fi. Their real origins are reported to be either the Alpha-Draconis star system, or alternatively that they evolved sentience in the prehistoric age on Earth alongside the Dinosaurs, left Earth, and have since returned to reclaim it. Notably an article recently discussed this theory in the Washington Post titled 'Could intelligent life have existed on Earth millions of years before humans?' which picks at this idea a bit further, and shows this theory is at least gaining some notable public interest. Popular Culture: Rulon Empire - Dino Riders Popular Culture: Enemy Mine (1985) Popular Culture: Super Mario Bros (1993) Popular Culture: Anonymous Rex (2004) Exopolitics Policy: Canada will advocate the dissemination of any and all information regarding this species, and advocate their presence and agenda be made public. Star Seeds Claimed Origin: Various Details: The Star Seed phenomenon is a global phenomenon, that alleges various species (Pleiadians, Arcturians, Zetas) are actively conducting an Avatar-like infiltration of the Human race. In order to gradually redirect the future of humanity towards a more prosperous cosmic future, hundreds of thousands of entities are reported to have infiltrated our species. Also known by the name, Indigo children, Rainbow Children, or Crystal Children - these individuals are reported to be the next stage of human evolution. Several notable public figures have made claims of being Indigo, or Crystal children - including US Presidential Candidate Andrew Basiago, Jenny McCarthy and several others. Claims are made that the 'aura' or energy field of these individuals, which is much better understood in Eastern philosophy than the west; is of an indigo, crystal or rainbow colouration. Russian scientists have made considerable efforts to further understand this phenomenon in the last decade using a technique called Bioelectrophotography. Massive communities discussing the star seed and aura phenomenon, have emerged online and countless books on these subjects are available worldwide, and whilst western mainstream media calls these concepts Pseudo-scientific, research in the East on Bioelectrophotographycontinues. Exopolitics Policy: Canada will advocate the dissemination of any and all information regarding this species, and advocate their presence and agenda be made public.


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