S.T.A.R. Platform
S - Space Colonization
In 4 Years
- Increase the Canadian Space Agency Budget
- Establish a Canadian Spaceport & Launch Site
- Build a Starfleet Academy to support Colonization
- Contribute to Asteroid Defense & Colonization Initiatives
- Lead International Debates on UFO Disclosure & Exopolitic's
- Build a Space-Time Embassy beside Canada's existing UFO landing pad in St.Paul Alberta (constructed in 1967)
- Aim to preserve the Outer Space Treaty & Antarctica treaty
- Support the Space Games Federation's proposal to help fund & found The Cosmic Olympic Games
In 8 years
- Commission Starfleet Asset Design
- Commission Space-force Asset Design
- Commission Orbital Dock Design
- Develop a Canadian Asteroid Defense System
In 12 years
- Construct Starfleet Orbital Dock
- Develop a Starfleet Hospital Ship
- Develop a Starfleet Colony Development Ship
- Develop a Space-force Scout Ship
In 16-20 years
- Starfleet Launch Ceremony
- Space-force Launch Ceremony
- Host the Space Games Federation "Space Olympic Games" on the Orbital Dock

S.T.A.R. Platform
T - Technological Development
In 4 Years
- Develop Flying Car Legislation
- Develop Exosuit Technology
- Add Hackspaces & Library of Things to Existing Libraries
- Pursue Right to Repair Legislation
- Automation, AI, Robotics Legislation
- Tranhumanist Rights (Equal Access)
- Blockchain E-Voting Research
- Anti-Microchip Legislation (Ban Human Microchips)
- Hemp Biofuel Incentives / Oilsands Transition Program
- Electric Vehicle Incentives / Transition Programs
- Castle Dankinside Construction
- Self Sustainable Tech Research Incentives
- Fusion Reactor Research Fully Funded
- Mecha Military Development
In 8 years
- Arcology Construction
- Self Sustainable / Future Cities Programs
- Castle Dankinside Construction (World's Tallest Vertical Farm Structure)
- Exosuit Fire/Rescue Program Launched
- Fusion Reactor Development
In 12 years
- Mecha Peacecorps Deployment
- Mass Production of Hemp Biofuel
- Aircology Production
In 16-20 years
- Aircology Launch Ceremony
- Mechalympic Games

S.T.A.R. Platform
A - Advancing Civilization
In 4 Years
- Enhanced Human Rights Global Campaign
- Enhanced Constitutional Reforms
- Prefabricated Housing / Community Development
- Enhanced Healthcare (ie. National Dental)
- Canadian Monetary Banking Reforms (ie. COMER)
- Swedish Style Recycling (Low-Zero Waste Management)
- Global Cannabis Legalization Campaign
- Tranhumanist Rights (Equal Access)
- Blockchain E-Voting Research
- Anti-Microchip Legislation (Ban Human Microchips)
In 8 years
- TBD (To Be Disclosed)

S.T.A.R. Platform
R - Restoring The Earth
In 4 Years
- Hemp bio-fuel incentives & oil sands transition program
- Ban nuclear waste site proposal near great lakes
- Enhanced protection for endangered species
- Enhanced ecological restoration and protections for Canadian waterways
- Swedish Style Recycling (Low-Zero Waste Management)
- Global Cannabis Legalization Campaign
- Geo-engineering legislation debate / development (Terra-forming Technologies)
In 8 years
- TBD (To Be Disclosed)