Canadian Starfleet Program

Instead of building new aircraft and naval ships; Canada's military will focus on the research and development of a multi-capable interplanetary defense force; The Canadian Star Fleet - that is capable of operating on land, air and sea, to compensate for potential variations of future operations. - Star Party Proposal #13 In light of the Cosmic future before us, Canada; as a peacekeeping world leader should seek to set the stage for transitioning the planet into an age of peaceful Space faring exploration as a nation - rather than just watching business leaders seek to build bigger rockets and race to Mars. The Star Party's plan for the future of Canada's military; would involve the transitioning and amalgamation of many existing branches into a multi-combat theatre capable interplanetary peace-keeping defense force. The Canadian Star Fleet amalgamation; would be pursued politically - firstly by commissioning studies on the best course of government policy and action over a 4-32 year period, in collaboration with various departments of the Canadian Armed Forces and various scientific institutions. We would also seek to pass legislation that would fund supportive programs at Universities and Colleges across Canada; encouraging the adoption of more space related science research and other related fields of study. Our continental ally, the United States in comparison have branches that serve similar purposes such as the US Space Command, US Airforce Space Command, US Naval Space Command program and recently in 2017, proposed the creation of a Space Corps. Canada under the Star Party will develop a long term collaborative strategy for developing our own, frontier Space program - The Canadian Star Fleet; that will serve to abridge our own capabilities and lead the world boldly where no man has gone before. ------------------------------ PRELIMINARY STUDIES Over the course of the first four years of Star Party governance, and leading up to the 2019 election; preliminary studies will be completed on issues/questions such as: 1) Star Fleet Amalgamation Q. If Canada sought to enhance its strategic military capabilities within the future frontier of Space, how could each existing branch benefit/serve as part of a multi-theatre space capable force? Q. How might such a Star Fleet military amalgamation strengthen, or diminish our national capability to respond to various global scenarios? 2) The Impact of Enhancing our national focus on Space Civilization Q. If a modern Society put military and economic priority on enhancing Space development for 4,8,16,24,32 years; how might that affect our world standing by 2051? (32 yrs) 3) Starship Engineering, Academic Training and Development Q. If Universities and Colleges across Canada put more priority on Starship engineering and development programs, for 4,8,16,24,32 years; what type of Star ships could Canada feasibly develop by 2051? (32 yrs) 4) Space Colony Development Q. If Universities and Colleges across Canada put more priority on Space colony engineering and development programs, for 4,8,16,24,32 years; how could Canada contribute to Martian and Lunar development? Q. The Feasibility of Mobile Colonization Construction Units (MCCVS) 5) Supersonic Spacecraft Q. Should we fund the Super Arrow Project & Expansion of Supersonic Aerospace Craft Production? Q. How could Supersonic spacecraft serve future residential/commercial/industrial/military space requirements? Q. How big is the largest Supersonic Spacecraft and how big can we scale the technology? Q. How could a Supersonic Spacecraft fleet help Canada stay competitive in the Space Industry, over the next 3 decades? Q. What type of supersonic VTOL spacecraft might Canada be capable of developing now; using modern technologies, and tomorrow - using future technologies? Q. 6) Asteroid Mining Drone Carrier Feasibility Study Q. How much would it cost to create or fund an Automated Space Mining Fleet? Q. Would it be worthwhile investment to build a National Asteroid Mining Carrier by 2052? Q. Would it be possible to build Boring-Type Mining Spacecraft [Boring Machine] [Space Anchor] ------------------------------ STAR CASTLE - SPACE ARCOLOGY DEVELOPMENT PLAN Over an initial four year term; studies on the development of a national space Arcology; as well as a land based Arcology network would be commissioned by Star Party representatives. The International Space Station is set to retire by the year (_____citation_____) which will potentially leave the future of International Space Cooperation in a seeming void. The ISS is a collaborative effort by many nations in the name of peace and collaborative scientific exploration of space. The Deep Space Gateway will sit between Earth and Mars, a distant symbol of cooperation - but certainly more, we can achieve. Continuing this tradition on a much larger scale, the Star Party of Canada would propose leading the gradual development a scalable modular space based engineering project - the Starcology project on the Lunar Surface. This project would require an 8 year study starting in 2019, with construction set to begin in 2027. A Lunar Space Arcology, dubbed the "Lunar Star Castle" would serve as an International Space Academy for travellers to Mars and beyond for decades and centuries to come. ------------------------------ STAR FLEET - STAR SHIP DEVELOPMENT PLAN Over an initial four year term; studies on the development of a national starship program and the development of an International Star Fleet; would be commissioned by Star Party representatives. We would seek to lead the development of an International, Commonwealth, and Canadian Starship Flagship development effort. The Star Fleet program would seek to instigate development of three Starship Design Projects by the year 2023; a Canadian Science Vessel, a Commonwealth Space Carrier, and an International Hospital-Repair Cruiser. Canadian Science Vessel Commonwealth Space Carrier International Hospital-Repair Cruiser By launching studies on these subjects in 2019, the goal would be to have technological development and design begin by 2023. Using modular components, a medium or large starship could be built on the ground and assembled in orbit like the International Space Station, or potentially 3d printed and assembled in orbit. We would need to use the best materials and scientific expertise available to us to achieve such a feat, and international collaboration would certainly assist in such a project. None the less, it's within the realm of possibility for our generation to plant the seeds of this project and within a few decades; see it grow to fruition. International efforts to build Star ship's larger than shuttles and rockets have existed for some time already, including projects like the 100 Year Starship, the Icarus Project, and efforts to build a real Enterprise. In 2017, a replica of the Enterprise flew over New York City and many people saw this Starship likely wondered how far off from reality Starships flying overhead, really is. It could much sooner than most expect.