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Cosmic Pirate Party Platform

Policy Overview / Party Brief If Elected, the Cosmic Pirate Party intends to put forth legislation concerning matters of the 21st century as a priority. *Please Note - This is a Living Document, and Updates are in Progress. ***NOT FINAL - DRAFT ONLY*** The Cosmic Pirate Party is dedicated to advancing Canadian Space interests and development and the utilizing of space age technology and knowledge to improve upon the lives of Canadians today, and tomorrow - both in Canada, and beyond the shores of Earth on our journey toward the Stars. Our first 10 actions as a government would be - The assessment and repair of the damage done to Canadian government/infrastructure by the Harper government - The review, modification, redaction, or nullification of unconstitutional laws and omnibus bills passed by the Harper government - The assessment and development of a planned longterm repair and restoration plan of the damage done to Canada's ecosystem and environment by the oil and resource extraction industry as well as addressing climate change - Restoration and improvement of relations with Canada's native communities - Job creation Programs and Economic Stimulus Packages - Legalization and rescheduling of Cannabis and the release and pardon of all cannabis-related criminals/crimes - Leading the development of an international Space Arcology project that would include a Colonial University and Canadian Space Launch Site - Leading the development of a Canadian, and International open-source Exopolitics policy research think tank and public forum (Virtual - Online)

- Seek International Public disclosure meetings and the release of All Classified Files and Documentation in a collaborative and historical manner (Establishing of a World UFO/Disclosure/Exopolitics Museum) - Recruit the best and brightest minds of the world to collaborate on space-time travel, space age technology, exopolitics and colonization related research programs and projects at Canada's new Starcology Project. Supporting Documents Canadian Space Colonization Program Airship Arcology Research - Public Notes Tomorrow's Robotic Workforce Cosmic Pirate Party - Research Article Archive Our major goals and reforms, will be relative to: [Policy Index] 1) Exopolitics policies, concerning the governance of Cosmic Society, extraterrestrial political engagement, offworld embassies, and related issues. 2) Transhumanism policies, concerning life extension technologies, cybernetics, artificially enhanced intelligence, and bio-augmentations. 3) Spacetime Travel policies, concerning the laws that will govern societies use of space-time travel technology (faster than light, wormholes, ect) 4) Space Infrastructure policies, concerning the future development of Canada's space program and our contribution toward international efforts 5) Disclosure policies, concerning the disclosure of ET presence, technologies, and historical information that has been classified and/or hidden from the public 6) Ambassador policies, concerning a human Ambassador presence in the future on other planets; and in regards to an alien ambassador's presence on Earth, and concerns in regards to Intergalactic and/or Interdimensional Embassies 7) Cannabis legalization policy, concerning the dismantling of Cannabis prohibition in Canada and outright legalization policy 8) Environmental policy, concerning the present and future state of Canada's ecosystem and wildlife, research laboratories, libraries and archives. 9) Educational policy, concerning the nature of Canada's education system, research institutions, science labratories and potential reforms to enhance, encourage and prepare Canada's first and additional waves of martian Colonists. 10) Entertainment policy, concerning entertainment related to the Cosmic Pirate Party and the Canadian Entertainment Industry. 11) Sports Programs policy, concerning the enhanced focus on training of Canada's future athletes, and Olympians. 12) Governance reform policy, concerning the enhancement of Canada's democracy to allow for enhanced, voluntary participation by all Canadians 13) Open Internet Policy, concerning web neutrality, virtual internet development, and open internet related issues. 14) Population and Immigration policy, concerning population growth, immigration, and migration (on or off world) related issues. 15) Foreign global policy, concerning party policy and conduct in dealing with other nations on Earth. 16) Human Mobilization policy, concerning international agreements that would encourage Humanity to become a cooperative, mobile, space-faring civilization. 17) Income splitting, concerning recent Income splitting legislation put forward by the Harper government. 18) Investing in innovation/R&D, concerning boosting funding toward research and development grants and university/college programs. 19) Investing in Healthcare, concerning improving our public health care system with more federal funding and support. 20) National Security, concerning our military and nation defense. 21) Canada's Future Economy, concerning changes in the future to Canada's and the Global Economy and how we can adapt to meet challenges. 22) FIPA and CETA - International Trade Agreements, concerning international treaties with other nations or economic unions. 23) National Resources, concerning Canada's natural resources and extraction rights. 24) Native Land Rights and Treaties, concerning Canada's native communities, treaties and land rights. 25) Canada's International Reputation, concerning our role in the global community now and what kind of future we might envision. 26) Canadian Coalition Policy, concerning the nature of a coalition of all opposition parties; to bring down the Harper government. 27) Mutineering Policy, to ensure our success - even if we don't win the vote. Policy Details [ Exopolitics ] Exopolitics is a direct logical extension of conventional politics to the interplanetary theatre.Dr. Alfred Webre, who formally introduced exopolitics as a discipline of study, defined it as the study of law, governance and politics in the Universe. Legislative Framework for Exopolitics Canada should actively seek to write and collaborate internationally, to author or coauthor new Exopolitics policies, guidelines, and public relations materials about Exopolitics; for the general population to better inform them of the subject and its relative information.

Canada should develop a set of guidelines and policies, for normalizing relations with beings from other (planets, solar systems, galaxies, dimensions, periods of time, alternative histories) should they openly visit or contact us; including public disclosure policies, policies regarding the revealing of technological data, or the revealing of historical influence if any, policies revealing foreign historical information, visitation rights, off world ambassador or education programs, and potentially exchange programs; and other issues relative to interactions with such said foreign entities. STARCASTLE Arcology / Colonial University We should also actively encourage our participation, and leadership in the space race. We can do so, by actively pursuing a leadership role in the field of Exopolitics, colonization, and space-time travel research, as well as related fields. Canada should develop a Colonization University Program, that trains Human Colonists for life on Mars; as well as develops technologies, and science for life on Mars, the Moon, in Space, and Beyond. We should begin to build the infrastructure, for a Cosmic Education and Graduated Licensing Colonization System. A Space Arcology, with mobilization capability (an airborne arcology) would be an ideal setting for training future colonists; and also being a template for future offworld colonies. By developing an Arcology that has transportability in mind, we would be leading the development of mobile capable cities which have all kinds of future applications.

World Class Starport/Launch Facility Canada should develop a Launch Facility for Future Missions into space. Canada should develop a place or facility where intergalactic visitors could potentially land (A landing pad of reasonable proportion) Intergalactic Space-time Embassy Canada should establish a physical, Intergalactic and Interdimensional Embassy, for offworld, time travelling, and interdimensional beings.

World UFO Library-Museum

The Cosmic Pirate Party, if elected; would seek to allocate funding to build a Museum and Library dedicated to the research of the UFO phenomenon in Canada. The most up to date archive of all Articles, Literary works, Interviews, Images, Videos, News clips/clippings, would be made publicly available both in hardcopy and online through WULM to ensure the highest available of content, with reviews by both government staff and the public both freely available.

[ Transhumanism ]

Transhumanism is an international cultural and intellectual movement with an eventual goal of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. Transhumanist thinkers study the potential benefits and dangers of emerging technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations, as well as the ethics of developing and using such technologies. The most common thesis put forward is that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label posthuman.

The contemporary meaning of the term transhumanism was foreshadowed by one of the first professors of futurology, FM-2030, who taught "new concepts of the human" at The New School in the 1960s, when he began to identify people who adopt technologies, lifestyles and worldviews "transitional" to posthumanity as "transhuman". This hypothesis would lay the intellectual groundwork for the British philosopher Max More to begin articulating the principles of transhumanism as a futurist philosophy in 1990 and organizing in California an intelligentsia that has since grown into the worldwide transhumanist movement.

Influenced by seminal works of science fiction, the transhumanist vision of a transformed future humanity has attracted many supporters and detractors from a wide range of perspectives.[3] Transhumanism has been characterized by one critic, Francis Fukuyama, as among the world's most dangerous ideas, to which Ronald Bailey countered that it is rather the "movement that epitomizes the most daring, courageous, imaginative and idealistic aspirations of humanity".

The Cosmic Pirate Party would work to develop legislation governing these types of technologies, so that their usage is not improperly handled when their usage, application, and impact becomes a reality within the next decade. We wish to prepare transhumanism based legislation, for the following fields:

Physical Transhumanism Laws, governing laws relative to enhancements improving or negating physical capability. Intellectual Transhumanism Laws, governing laws relative to enhancements improving or negating intellectual capability. Psychological Transhumanism Laws, governing laws relative to enhancements improving or negating psychological capability. [ Space-time Travel Related Policies ]

Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time in a manner analogous to moving between different points in space, generally using a theoretical invention known as a time machine. Time travel is a recognized concept in philosophy and fiction, but has a very limited support in theoretical physics, usually only in conjunction with quantum mechanics or Einstein–Rosen bridges. Historically, the concept dates back to the early mythologies of Hinduism (such as the Mahabharata). More recently, with advancing technology and a greater scientific understanding of the universe, the plausibility of time travel has been explored in greater detail by science fiction writers, philosophers, and physicists. -Being Revised-TBA In April 2013, the Iranian news agency Fars carried a story claiming a 27-year-old Iranian scientist had invented a time machine that allowed people to see into the future. A few days later, the story was removed, and replaced with a story quoting an Iranian government official that no such device had been registered. -Being Revised-TBA

Space-time Embassy If a time travelling human from the past, an alternate parallel history, or the future - arrived in Canada after a Space-time Embassy was constructed as part of our Intergalactic Embassy Program; our own space-time ambassadors could provide/receive assistance, information, and support for their visitor's mission from the Space-time Embassy in a public manner that would prevent public backlash from necessary changes, or prevention programs. The Space-time embassy would assist the governing bodies in its management portfolio, in managing space-time affairs and space-time contingency operations; by preparing reports in advance of weather (global and space weather), natural disasters, accidental disasters, conflict resolutions, and by assisting in the preparation of public contingency programs should they be necessary. (Example: If in 50 years time, a rogue star or planet was going to interact with our planet or solar system and potentially cause an extinction scenario, we would let the world know and seek to prepare an alternate future scenario ... contingency operations such as leaving the planet.) (Example 2: Accidental disasters - Fukushima like scenario's in the future could be prevented, by deactivating reactor's prior to natural disasters if we received warning from the future, or were able to forsee future scenario's utilizing space-time 'foresight' devices. This kind of space-time modification would likely only be possible after the Space-time Embassy's construction (in the future), as to modify space-time prior to its construction, could prevent it's construction.)

Space-time Travel Ambassador Program Over the last two decades, researchers at various University programs worldwide have pointed to the potential of space-time travel being a real phenomenon; of which may become possible; or may already be possible in secret. A space-time travel ambassador university program located in the STARCASTLE Arcology project, would seek to train potential space-time traveling agents, chrononauts and astronauts to record information throughout the world's history in secret, and to act as civilization ambassador's to other time's, parallel worlds, or extraterrestrial worlds.

Technology Research Policies

Time Travel Research will be made semi-public, the public should be allowed to have knowledge of the subject; but details regarding the development of time travel or space-time bending devices should be maintained as a national secret that has been disclosed but not disseminated to safeguard historical events, national security, and the security of future generations. Such data can only be made fully publicly available, when all the world government's have signed a collective treaty on Time Travel usage. Research institutions and their students that sought to Technology Access Policies Government Access: The government would only be allowed to utilize this technology in agreement with the public's approval of the mission. A national referendum on the issue would be held; and a sufficient amount of time to consider its implications and effect must be taken, unless being used in a case of national emergency. Its usage by our government, must always be made public - but details about such operations, can be optionally disclosed over a gradual period of time for national security concerns should our actions involve other nations, or civilizations. Governments that utilize space-time travel technology would have the option of revealing the details over the remainder of their term in office, or within twelve months - whichever comes first. Public Access: An open system of public approval will be available for those who wish to utilize time travel technology for private purposes. A strict set of protocols and policies will govern its usage, and in order for a public candidate to be approved for their mission, they must appeal to the public for support for their mission, through a government approval system. After gaining enough public support, missions can be approved as a Government Access program - and a national referendum can be held to approve, or disapprove of their private space-time travel mission. All private space-time operations would be 100% public.

Technology Usage Policies Space-time technology usage would be open to the public and government but extremely strict protocols, and a national referendum would be required for every time a space-time travel device was utilized. Technology Disclosure Policies Technologies relative to Space-time travel that have been utilized in secret by private enterprise must be disclosed publicly by the year 2019. Operational records of the devices past usage (user, mission parameters, mission time frame) must also be gradually disclosed to the public by 2019. Allied powers in possession of this technology, should disclose its presence to our government so that we may better provide the legislative framework for governing its public and private usage going into the future.

Technology Usage Disclosure Policies

When the space-time travel program is used, details about the: user, mission parameters, mission time frame must be made public at the Space-time Embassy. Organizations, Governments, or Private Entreprises that have been utilizing these technologies must be disclosed publicly by the year 2019. Technologies relative to Space-time travel that have been utilized in secret by private enterprise must be disclosed publicly by the year 2019. Operational records of the devices past usage (user, mission parameters, mission time frame) must also be gradually disclosed to the public by 2019.

[ Space Infrastructure Policies ] Over the course of a four+ year government; The Cosmic Pirate party would work to develop long term goals, and set in motion actions that would further enhance and accelerate Canada's participation in International and Independent Space infrastructure development. Research and initiatives relative to development of the following projects and concepts, would be our main priorities. Canada's Future National Space Infrastructure Projects : Canada One : STARCASTLE (Canadian Arcology / Colonization Academy) : Lunar Elevator Program : Mars Elevator Program : Mars Station One

: Mars Arcology One - International Coop Arcology : Martian Terraforming Drone Fleet Program : ISS Contributions and Life-Extension Program : International Orbital Recycling Program : Canadian Launch Facility

Canada One We would seek to develop and facilitate the creation of the first Canadian Space Station. Canada One would be a Colonization command hub to complement our new Colonization Academy and enhanced Space Program. By developing a large scale, zero-gravity 3D Printer and launching resources into space - we would hope to 3D a micro-arcology like habitat for 20-30 international scientists and colonization students to utilize as preparation for Cosmic Civilization. The ISS will be retired in 2024, and Canada One could be a suitable replacement. Alternatively, a collaborative effort with The US, Europe, Russia, India and China - International One; could be an international program we could seek to establish if other nations are interested in investing in the Canada One program, and Colonial University Program. We hope to achieve and complete construction of this orbital station, by 2030. STARCASTLE - Canadian Arcology / Colonization Academy Canada should seek to develop a model of a self-sustainable Arcology complex as an example of what future off world colonies and cities, could look like. A 3D printed colonial city model, which could potentially be constructed using advanced robotics; so that our cities can arrive, and be built on Mars, or beyond; before colonists arrive to populate them. The development of an Arcology project in Canada, with these goals in mind codenamed as STARCASTLE - can serve as both an advancement of Canadian Technological Progress and as a vision of what the cosmic cities of tomorrow would look like. Such an Arcology, should be theme-oriented toward Space Colonization efforts and the Technological and Cosmic Century before us, and would include the highest caliber education programs and research laboratories in the modern world. STARCASTLE academy would track and build a library of cosmic data, as well as be a place for the World UFO Library/Museum to be located within. STARCASTLE would be a place to train future astronauts, colonists, chrononauts and intergalactic ambassadors, as well as the engineers who might build the machines to take us unto the stars, and the scientists to study the worlds we shall one day set foot upon. This would compliment, and be build beside the new Canadian Launch Facility, and our Intergalactic Embassy. We hope to achieve construction of this Arcology and Academy, by 2030, and have its first students trained and exploring Mars and the Moon, by 2040. Lunar+Mars Elevator Programs Canada One, our Colonization Command Hub would be printed utilizing a 3D Printer, but after the completion of the main modules of our station; we would use the 3D printer to print several Round-Trip Orbital Cargo Transportation Systems for International Usage called the Lunar Elevator and Mars Elevator. We hope to achieve construction and implement usage of the Lunar and Mars Elevator Programs, by 2030. Mars Station One Mars Station One would be an Orbital station and twin of Canada One in Earth's orbit. Built using the same 3D printing and assembly techniques tried and tested in the construction of Canada One, Mars Station One would serve as the Orbital command hub for all Martian orbital, and planetary based missions. The components to build Mars Station One would be transported to Mars via the Mars Elevator Program, and assembly could begin shortly after. The Mars One station would likely begin construction, by the year 2034 and be completed by 2036. Mars Arcology One - International COOP Arcology Mars Arcology One would be a land based, 3D printed Microarcology habitat similiar in nature, but larger in scale than its orbit counterparts; Canada One and Mars One. Mars Arcology One would be similiar to the Colonization Arcology Project, a habitat for planetary residents. It would be the first public large scale housing complex and defacto small city, 3D printed on Martian soil. The Mars Arcology One habitat would likely begin construction, by the year 2036 and be completed and operational by 2038. Martian Terraforming Drone Fleet Program Utilizing a fleet of 3D printed, solar powered drones; we would hope to modify the existing Martian climate using terraforming technologies to make the air breathable and to have the temperature increased to allow for human life to exist. By 3D printing large scale, airborne or land based robotic climate control factories that fly and process the atmosphere, or process from stationary points - we could over a gradual period, convert the atmosphere to livable conditions. We would hope to begin construction of the Terraforming Drone Fleet Program by 2038, and it would be constructed at Mars Arcology One.

ISS Contributions and Life-Extension Program In the year 2024, the ISS will be retiring and Russia will be removing components for their own national space station. Potentially, by adding an additional large scale 3D printing module, the lifespan of the ISS could be extended until at least 2030 - and be utilized as a platform for Canada to 3D print new components in space, for the Canada One Space Arcology Project. We would seek to increase Canada's funding for the ISS, and make requests of other nations to do the same and continue collaborative space research programs. International Orbital Recycling Program Japan has recently announced plans to begin an Orbital recycling program, that would gather debris from older satellites and wreckage. Canada should assist in the development and enhancement of this program, using Canada One as a potential recycling center for space debris. The Cosmic Pirate Party encourages and would seek to join in these efforts to clean up our orbital space as preparation for the launch of new objects in the future.

Canadian Launch Facility

Canada has long debated the benefits of a Canadian Launch facility and with the dawning of the Cosmic Century ahead, we believe now, not later - is the time to invest in Canada's Space Future. We can lead the way, or catch up later; and we're about carving the way forward - so onward we row, toward the stars. We're just getting started, when we set foot on Mars. We would seek to put together funding for a collaborative public-private Canadian Launch facility, that would compliment our Colonial Arcology/University and World UFO Museum, by seeking to partner with private companies like Virgin Galactic and SpaceX in the construction of a world class Starport and Launch Site.

[ Disclosure Policies ] UFO Disclosure Platform The Cosmic Pirate Party's UFO disclosure program is a long term, gradual disclosure program that would allow for and encourage the continued public research and debate of the UFO phenomenon worldwide. Our government, would encourage; citizens, other governments, and both public and private organizations to collaborate on developing a global disclosure platform, and holding public, live and recorded events; to release all classified documentation, reports, video evidence, photographs, technologies, advancements or information regarding breakaway civilizations, extraterrestrials, extraterrestrial vehicles, secret space programs - collaborated from all international sources, and would additionally seek to advance Canada's legislature in regards to policies related to Exopolitics, UFOs/USOs, and related issues.

:: Disclosure Committee - A committee that would be in charge of the research and organization of ET/Exopolitics related information :: Canadian Government Web Platform - A internet based platform that covers; technological advances, sociopolitical advances, civilization studies, reports, documentation, video and audio recordings, livestream and recorded copies of a National UFO conference, and other related content. :: Canadian Television Broadcasting Events - A series of recorded documentary like shows, and public speaking events, that would provide detailed information in segments, based upon the information gathered by the Disclosure Committee. :: Research Institutes - Canada's research institutions (such as universities) should have priority access to any and all non-terrestrial technologies, so that they can provide the highest quality research for the Disclosure Committee. All projects being held by Research Institutes, should be public knowledge and information concerning them should be placed upon our Government Web Platform. [ Ambassador Policies ] In 2014, Deepak Obrai was appointed as Canada's first Intergalactic Ambassador as a response to the Raelian Request to build an Intergalactic Embassy and Landing Pad for Offworld Visitors. The Cosmic Pirate Party of Canada believes that our candidates would be the most suitable for this position in future government's as we would seek to reform and prepare exopolitics, spacetime travel, and space age related policies. If our members are elected anywhere in Canada, we would hope that the official government would designate one of our members to this appointed position. Cosmic Pirate Party Ambassador Objectives :: As Intergalactic Ambassador, a Cosmic Pirate Party candidate would seek to advance exopolitical legislation, spacetime travel policies, and seek to better prepare us for the Cosmic Century Ahead by creating the legislative framework for public Interplanetary meetings, Cooperation, Alliance(s), and Public Exchange Programs (both technological and personnel) :: Create an Intergalactic Ambassador Training program that would be included in our Colonial University program to train future ambassadors, colonists, astronauts and chrononauts. :: Advance legislation concerning the construction of a Canadian Orbital Launch/Landing site that would include space for an Intergalactic Embassy [ Cannabis Legalization Policies ] Cannabis prohibition should be immediately terminated and a model of legalization similar to that which exists in Colorado, in the United States should be implemented nationally across Canada, or; alternatively provinces should be free to develop their own models similar to alcohol and have Cannabis deregulated, and rescheduled federally. Such a Provincial model could be built from, but not be limited to the following concepts: :: Grading system for THC/Strength of content (green, yellow, orange, red, black) (THC % labelled on products) :: CCBO-like retail outlets, Cannabis Control board stores of Ontario retail stores for 19+ that would operate alike LCBOs. :: CCBO-licensed cafes, licensed cafes that would operate alike bars. :: CCBO-licensed events, licensed events like private bartending events with licenses to sell at events. :: Bud Farms / Gardens / Parks / Arcades, licensed cafe-like ventures for the 19+ crowd that would operate alike bars, strip clubs, casinos, ect. :: Personal Growing laws/licensing, that would allow users to purchase their equiptment, seeds, and license from CCBO outlets or other distributors :: Public Reeducation, that would seek to approach the cannabis conversation from a medical and scientific perspective for adult usage. :: High Level research, to ensure the highest quality of product and contribute to the advancing of global medicinal cannabis research :: Job creation programs; to give the skilled growers, producers and distributors of cannabis legal jobs in the new cannabis industry. [ Environmental Policies ] The Cosmic Pirate Party believes that the environment, is a major priority over the next four years, and over the century ahead. Our world is changing, climate change is ongoing and our impact on the world - is being felt. We believe there are several major steps, needed to be taken to correct our course of action going forward, to ensure the long-term health of Canada's environment for future generations. Part of our military peacekeeping operations, could/would include environmental action - such as in fighting illegal rain forest logging, poaching, and fighting against illegal polluters. :: Ending Fossil Fuel Usage Fossil Fuels currently supply a large percentage of the worlds energy needs. Using existing technologies, we can in a decade or two; move away from Fossil Fuel use as a primary source of fuel with intensive technological transformations. Researchers at multiple Universities in North America have proven, that it is possible to convert Algae to Crude in a 30 minute window. If this technology was scaled up, and a factory was placed in each province - we could create new, eco friendly local jobs in every province, we can stop digging for oil (and close the Tar Sands), and we can begin to manufacture carbon neutral fuel (algae consumes CO2 during its production and lifecycle) that could gradually replace crude that is dug up from the ground. We could stop our dependence on the Tar Sands, and Fossil Fuels with strategic technological transformation to produce algae fuel. The first step, would be to stop waging war on the Environment by closing the Tar Sands; and by gradually scaling and increasing algae to fuel production; as well as investing in alternative biofuels like Hemp, and alternative energy technologies like Solar, Wind, Geothermal, and by investigating research into Fusion, and Thorium based Nuclear Energy. (A safer form, that cannot be used for weapons; Thorium is also more abundant than Uranium). Tokamak Fusion reactors have shown great promise for Fusion Energy, and should be further investigated as a source of future energy. :: Light Pollution, Our cities are very bright, and the amount of light pollution created by our streetlights could be reduced by a variety of measures. Low glare lighting, or motion activated lighting, LED illuminated roadways, and other measures would be researched and implemented by the Cosmic Pirate Party to ensure our cities in the future, have a much better view of the Stars. If roadways are unused, lighting could reduce to 50%; saving both power, and lowering light pollution. :: Oil/Chemical Spills, Any company responsible for oil, chemical, or toxic spills should be charged for the complete cost of cleanup, repairs, damages (to the environment, or population affected), and subject to strict safety regulations for the next 5-10 years of operation. Oil production would be gradually reduced as our programs for Algae Fuel Production are implemented. :: Canada's Waterways The Conservative Government removed protections on over 2 million lakes and rivers in Canada and left only protections for less than 200 in place as of 2015. We would seek to reverse this policy, and seek to renew the protection of our lakes and waterways in the future from corporate negligence and pollution. We would also seek to have more regulated testing of watersheds being used by corporations in the resource sector (such as mining, or oil production) :: Arctic policy The Cosmic Pirate Party of Canada will seek to protect Canada's Arctic ecosystems by leading advanced international climate research projects to assess, and manage Canada's arctic ecosystem as the world deals with Climate Change. We are aware of the changes ongoing in the region, but whats needed is better scientific assessment and research, before solutions can be put forth. Without proper data, which has been withheld by The Harper government, Canadians cannot make informed decisions - and that failure by our government needs to be rectified so that we may progress in our research on this issue.

:: Pacific Plastic/Garbage Patch The Pacific Garbage patch is an international problem. Someone needs to take the lead on attacking this issue- and Canada, having a coastline stretching along the pacific; could be that leader. Several projects have been recommended by youth contests and entrepreneurs, including some more advanced robotics programs that we believe Canada should be funding. If Elected, we would make the cleanup of the Pacific Garbage patch, a priority issue. Our bodies are made of water, and our planet is mostly made of Oceans; so water cleanliness, and purity; should be of great concern going into the future. :: Amazon Policy The Amazon Rainforest is not in Canada, but it is an important factor in global environmental health. The Cosmic Pirate Party would fight to further protect the Amazon's natural beauty, and its indigenous populations that are currently facing extreme difficulty at the hands of unlawfully operating corporations. We would seek to collaborate with South American governments in creating further protections for The Amazon rainforest. :: Fukushima Radiation In March of 2011, the world watched in horror as three nuclear meltdowns occurred in Fukushima, Japan. Since then, the global media has been mostly silent as the pacific ocean has become irradiated on a massive scale. After several years, this radiation has contaminated most of, if not all of the Pacific Ocean and is now arriving on North America's western shores. We need to take serious, international, collaborative action - to address and combat this growing problem in the Pacific; or it will spread to all of the world's ocean systems - and through rain and precipitation; potentially to our lakes and rivers as well. The media often downplays, this global issue that could affect our entire civilization's future - we will face it head on. [ Educational Policy ] Self sufficiency Policy - Schools should teach self-sufficiency and farming to students, so that future citizens are well informed and educated about self-sustainable living, and have a foundation of skillsets and knowledge in that regards from a young age. Space-Oriented Education - Canadian Universities and Colleges should be working on more Space related programs, such as colonization ventures, develop astronaut training programs, research and development of robotics for space industry, arcology development, and the development of colonization simulation programs. We should envision and strive for a Canada that in 20 years, is capable of pumping out the worlds most highly qualified Astronauts and Colonists to send to Orbit, Mars, the Moon, and beyond. Educational Modernization Policy - Our Canadian education system is in need of modernization and by utilizing technology to its full potential, our education system can be greatly enhanced. We would seek to see more computers, and new emerging technologies reaching the hands of students at an earlier age, to encourage our digital competitiveness going forward. Tuition Free Post Secondary - We believe that Education is a tool that empowers citizens to bring economic growth to our country. Education is the foundation of a competitive future society, and providing ease of access for little or no cost - is an investment in the future of our country and its citizens. We would seek to lower the cost of university and colleges for Canadian Citizens, to a minimum, or zero cost. Many European nations operate in a similar manner, and have profound economic success and benefits because of the lack of debt their student body has amassed. [ Entertainment Policy ]

The Cosmic Pirate Party fully believes in and supports Canada's entertainment and arts culture. Art and Culture are part of national identity, our history, our creative spirit and our expressive freedom that ties in with our values as a free nation. Going into the future, we believe that Canada's art, digital and physical; should be encouraged. We would put more funding towards grants and job creation in the arts field, and seek to build national artist/creative networks to better support local arts communities and their efforts. The Cosmic Pirate Party will also use a variety entertainment media, to depict our governing of the nation in a comical like manner, and use entertainment to troll the other parties during the election, and future terms in office. This type of entertainment may include, but is not limited to: memes, images, videos, pirate shanties, games, and/or other things of comical or semi-serious nature. Onward we row, Yo Ho! ;)

[ Sports Programs Policy ] Sports Programs - Canada should develop more athletic programs to encourage youth athletics and put better measures in place to find competitive athletes - Canada should reduce the cost of participation in athletic programs, and encourage more sports programs within local communities - Canada should increase the amount of funding put towards training future olympians, and research the development of better training programs - Canada-wide, online competitions should be held in large cities and small towns; encouraging athletes to step forward and compete nationally/locally. [ Governance Reforms ] MMPR - Mixed Member Proportional Representation We support Mixed Member Proportional Representation in Canada, and if elected, we would work to pass legislature that improves upon our democracy by changing the first past the post system to a system that better represents Canada as a whole, and allows for more equal participation. Parliament Reforms Our legislative process has been severely harpered (hampered) by the currently Government and needs major reforms to restore it to pre-Harper times. Much of the house business, is directly in the hands of the Prime Minister and in some respects our Parliament has become a show, and a farce upon our democracy as the Conservative Government intentionally corrupts and manipulates our political system for their own gain. This is proven by multiple actions; in their their proroguing of government, their contempt for parliament, and their continual cases of corruption that have stretched from Senate to the PMO himself. Our system needs a major overhaul, an enhancement, and an open, public inquiry and assessment into the damage done by the Harper government. We believe that Governments are like an operating system for our Civilization, and we need a serious update to get our political system to catch up and be modernized to work in accordance with today's ever changing world. We would like to implement reforms to make government more open, accessible, and to give citizens better tools to connect with their representatives, and each other - nationwide. We are supportive of developing a type of E-Democracy system, that allows citizens to better interact with their representatives, and government as a whole; in a much more fluid and interactive manner. We will be constructing and working on an internal Cosmic Pirate Party system, that will emulate this concept in the near future to demonstrate it during the Election. More information on this coming soon! [ Open Internet Policy ] The Internet should not be controlled, directed, throttled or otherwise tampered with by any legislative body, corporation, group, or governing body worldwide. No international treaties, should be allowed to affect the Internets operations in any way; and any Treaties that seek to impair, change, or modify the internets open structure; to give any particular group overwhelming influence on the Internet, its content, or accessibility - will be outright denied, and fought against by our party. We support an open, neutral internet; free from interference from any and all governments, multinationals, or other entities.

[ Population/Immigration ] -Being Revised-TBA

[ Foreign Global Policy ] -Being Revised-TBA

[ Human Mobilization Policy ]

The Cosmic Pirate Party believes that mankind's destiny lies amongst the Stars. Earth will serve as our home base for countless centuries, but our star will eventually die, and our planet will change as time goes on. We must escape from the Earth, our Cosmic Womb and begin our Life as a Cosmic Civilization amongst the Stars. The Cosmic Pirate Party believes that long-term, we must become a mobile, space-faring society; and that we are now in the dawn of that age. We seek to commandeer the helm, and speed us toward our Cosmic Future. We will often push for and support colonization, space arcologies, space-time travel programs, and intergalactic travel projects and initiatives. [ Income splitting ] The Department of Finance says this income-splitting proposal will cost the treasury about $2.4 billion in foregone revenues in the current fiscal year, and an average of about $2 billion per year over the next five years. The Harper government has frequently doled out tax cuts for corporations and asked Canadians to pay more. Alongside of this, these same corporations encourage these types of legislative matters because of their "social impact" - their "moral implication" if you will. We do not support corporations forcing their 'moral' values on Canadians, through legislation that asks individual Canadian's - to work harder, while those who already have a social support network to get the benefit of additional cuts. What about all of the people working to try to build a family, it makes it much harder - when your asked to do more with less. We do not support income splitting, because it leaves out a majority of Canadians from its benefits while asking them to pay for it. Lawrence Solomon, executive director of Energy Probe, one reason to support income splitting is for its social impact. "Because incentives do matter, many of those now involuntarily stuck in that single household demographic would migrate to married status." REFERENCE:

Former Harper speech writer Michael Taube has taken to the Toronto Sun to speak out against the scheme:

"When you really think about income splitting, it’s the equivalent of state-run socialism for the wealthy. A few of us will shift income to get a tax credit directly from the government, paid for by taxpayers."

1. "Income splitting is a lousy political strategy"

He says income splitting "looks like we're favouring the wealthy, paying lip service to the middle class, and thumbing our noses at the poor."

2. "85% of hard-working Canadian families will never see a dime"

But they will "pay for this multibillion-dollar program through their income taxes."

3. Savings from income splitting are "minimal" for ordinary families [ Investing in innovation/R&D ]

The Cosmic Pirate Party heavily believes that a large aspect of Canada's future lies in the creation of future technologies and the development of new products and ideas, particularly space technologies and robotics. Canada's government needs to support grants, research and development programs for entrepreneurs and inventors, and the Cosmic Pirate Party would seek to allocate more funding towards these types of programs. We would also seek to review and improve our education system to facilitate the assisted development of would be entrepreneurs at an earlier age. By getting ideas to market faster, the economy grows - our government would make that simple concept, a high priority and seek to work directly or indirectly with Canadians to speed up and streamline that process going into the future.

[ Investing in Healthcare ]

Under the Harper government our national healthcare system has been slowly and steadily degraded and aspects have become privatized, and privatization is being encouraged by the current government. Our national government needs to better invest in our nation's public healthcare across the provinces, and support the health of all Canadians. Our healthcare system is seen as the bar to be reached, lets improve it; not degrade it. Our federal government needs to be the backbone that our provincial healthcare systems can rely upon, and our a Cosmic Pirate Government would work to collaborate with all provinces to ensure the best care for all the crew (All Canadians), not just those who can afford to pay more. [ National Security ] The Cosmic Pirate Party would repeal Bill C-51 and would seek alternative methods to enhance Canada's security without compromising the Charter rights of its Citizens. We are against a Police state type of government; and instead believe that our own citizens, should be better trained and equipped from a young age; with conflict resolution skills, self defense skills, and critical thinking skills. Equipping future generations of Canadians with conflict resolution and management skills; will make it less necessary for us to have police enforcement - and will improve national security over the course of a generation. Canada's military is primarily used to compliment our NATO Allies in times of conflict; so it is important that we focus our future development on technologies and tools; that will enhance our collective warfighting capability, and enhance our specialization - such as methods to enhance our ability to return to a role of International Peacekeeping as Canada was once known for. We would seek to develop a highly specialized division of Robotic Armored Combat Vehicles and Drone Swarm Systems, that would allow for a small specialized force of Robotically Enhanced Soldiers, to maintain a tactical advantage over conventional combatants in peacekeeping zones. Canada could contribute pilots, and Units to an international peacekeeping force that our nation would seek to found, and lead going into the future. Recently,Suidobashi Heavy Industries of Japan has developed a commercial mecha hybrid vehicle called the Kuratas, and an American company called MegaBots has developed a Mecha called MegaBot Mark-II. They have issued a challenge to a Suidobashi Heavy Industries to a contest of skill. Canada should encourage NATO nations, to collaborate on the development of Robotic Armored Units, particularly, Canada, the US, and Japan - potentially with companies like Suidobashi and MegaBots as a starting point, having them working with the military and respective governments to do further research on these technologies. We would also develop new tools and technologies that would improve our combat capability from our soldiers to aircraft, using computer technologies and integrated warfighting systems that would act as force multipliers in combat. The Cosmic Pirate Party would seek to restore Canada's role as a peacekeeping nation within a decade. [ Canada's Future Economy ] Canada's future Economy will heavily rely on: - Knowledge Economy: Research and Development, Ingenuity, Inventions and New Technologies - Developer Economy: Programming, IT, Engineering, Architecture, - Entertainment/Arts Economy: Sports, Gaming, Art, Music, Film, Literature, Culture - Robotics Economy: Robotics manufacturing, Inventions and Technologies - Space Economy: Civil Space Economics, Exopolitical Economics, Interplanetary Trade, Colonization, Development of Space Technologies Robotics already have the potential to influence huge economic change in multiple industries, and reinforcing the next generations opportunities in new rising industries that only have growth ahead of them - is a great step forward. Robotics already have the potential to replace jobs in manufacturing, service industries, delivery and driving jobs, and automated messages have been replacing phone call agents for years. Robotics even tampered with our electoral process... We need to be aware of the challenges ahead, as well of opportunities it presents. By having a mincome, for all Canadians - adjusting to a changing economy will be easier ridden out by Canadians whose jobs may in the future be replaced by robotic changes. [ FIPA, CETA, TPP - International Trade Agreements ] We do not support the current Trade Agreements proposed in either FIPA, TPP or CETA. FIPA, seeks to undermine and control internet regulations and also allows foreign nations to sue Canada's government. CETA, potentially undermines Canada's automotive manufacturing industry while giving it no major benefit in European markets. TPP, potentially undermines Open Internet and seeks to strongarm Canada into a deal that does not benefit us in the long term. [ National Resources ] Canada's national resources; should be re-nationalized over the next decade, as has occurred in Norway. Privatization of our resources allows Canada's longterm value, to be siphoned off into private hands for personal or corporate agendas. Those resources, belong to our nation and all of its people, not a handful of corporate elitists or foreign companies. We would seek to nationalize all Oil and Mining Assets, and use the financial capital to improve upon our nation's future potential by investing in our own infrastructure and future space programs. [ Native Land Rights and Treaties ] The Cosmic Pirate Party would seek to assist Canada's natives in the protection of their lands and people from unlawful corporate construction or encroachment. We would seek to assist Canada's native populations in further developing their own culture within Canada, by supporting efforts to improve their communities and also by working directly with Natives to better assess their needs going forward into the future. Furthermore, updated protections of native waterways, hunting grounds, and lands - should also be assessed and potentially, new treaties, or updating of the older treaties; should be considered to better protect them going into the future. The Cosmic Pirate Party believes that Canada should also further investigate the issue of missing native women, and that our governments in the future should have much better relations overall with our native populations in a way that allows for them to not only maintain their communities, but also allows for them to thrive, live long and prosper. [ Canada's International Reputation ] In the past, Canada was considered by the world community as a: :: A Peacekeeper and Referee of International Affairs :: An Environmental Leader :: A Human Rights Advocate/Champion :: An Example of Great Public Healthcare System The Cosmic Pirate Party seeks to restore these values to our nation's international standing. We would seek to champion these kinds of issues at home and globally, and to build and promote a better foreign policy platform that seeks to improve our reputation and standing on the world stage after years of Conservative negligence and counter-productive efforts in regards to our International Reputation. [ Canadian Coalition Policy ] In 2010, Canada's government faced a potential defeat as Canada's NDP and Liberals proposed a merger, or coalition to bring down the Harper Government. After proroguing our Parliament for the Winter Olympics, public demand for a left-oriented coalition began to fade from the public eye. We encourage, a merger of opposition parties to bring down a Harper government. A Cosmic Pirate-Liberal-NDP-Green Coalition, would form a 61% majority and be able to best represent the diversity of Canadians in a challenging time ahead as we begin our Cosmic Century. Such a coalition, if elected; would be recommended to improve Canada's future democracy by passing legislature to ensure future voting includes Mixed-member proportional representation; preventing a repeat of Canada's current conundrum. [ Mutineering Policy ] We encourage mutineering from within ALL other party ranks during the National Election campaign process ;) How might one do such a thing? Well.... :: At Public Debates, ask candidates about their stance on: UFOs, USOs, Exopolitics, Transhumanism, Fukushima/Ocean Cleanup, Martian Colonization, Canada's Future Space Program, Mars Bases, Martian Terraforming, Former Defense Minister Paul Hellyer's comments on Extraterrastrials, and Arcology Projects. Ask them if they have heard of the Cosmic Pirates invading the Electoral Process. Troll them. With force. **RECORD IT IF POSSIBLE** :: If any of these concepts, can be assisted in being nudged into the mainstream conversation and debate during the Election; we will have nudged the wheel of the world and achieved our goal in a lesser manner than our full commandeering of the helm.. at least, if our policies or questions enter the conversation; that is better than them not being there at all. And if our questions can be added to the debate - then potentially, our policies and answers... will be put to the test. And then maybe we'll be, a bit ahead of the rest... [ Additional Notes ] :: Obama jokingly mentioned Aliens not allowing for their presence to be known, ask about Obama's comments about Aliens on Jimmy Kimmel. LINK: (MARCH 2015) :: Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian defense minister has made public claims that 4 species of extraterrestrials have visited Earth for thousands of years, and has claimed these species originate in Zeta reticuli, The Pleiades, Orion, Romeda, and Altares star systems. This is Canada's former WW2 Defense Minister, who claims that UFOs were also present during WW2. He claims that at least 2, are working with the US government. :: Humans will be moving to mars in less than a decade - we will be aliens on Mars. MARS One is a Private Enterprise. Where is Canada's colony? :: A Book was published in 1952, by the founder of NASA's rocket program Wernher von Braun; a book called Das Marsprojekt (1952) :: It was published in English as The Mars Project (1962) in which Von Braun envisioned nearly a thousand three-stage vehicles launching from Earth to ferry parts for the Mars mission to be constructed at a space station in Earth orbit. :: Andrew Basiago, a proclaimed time travel and Mars colonial whistleblower - will be running for US President in 2016. The more awareness we can stir up related to exopolitics, time travel, and the secret Mars program; the better. We will have two, Andrew's (Kuess and Basiago); running back to back (2015 - Canada, 2016 - US) for Prime Minister of Canada, and President of The United States on time travel and exopolitics related platforms. :: Aliens visited the moon in 1969 (Humans are not from the moon)

:: Technically, all Astronauts have been Aliens who left their home planet (and most believe alien life exists)

:: The media for the last two years has been stirring with debate about alien life as Kepler has spotted countless new planets orbiting other stars.

:: Two planets have been found in the goldilocks zone and are expected to potentially be Earth-like, more are suspected to be found soon.

:: Almost every human culture on Earth has references to visitors of some nature, whether spiritual, cosmic, or religious. It is unlikely we are alone. :: Our party was announced online around the same time as the Jackhead manitoba UFO crash "didn't" occur -- according to government officials.

:: We'll ask the questions they won't. ;)

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