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The Cosmic Pirate Party

Ideas, can change the world. In the right moment, and with the right context an idea can be transformative in ways that can seem impossible, or unimaginable. In the age of interconnectivity, and the internet; people need a way for Idea's to instigate that change, faster, so that we can continue to march forward into the future and empower the individual within society, to see his or her dreams come true. To collective build a better future and to have better tools, as citizens to participate in driving the course of history in a direction that serves the citizenry, not just the so called "Elite".

We need decentralization, and to aim for self sustainability as a nation - not globalization, interdependence and one world governance dictated by big business while rights and national laws are trampled by international treaties. We need to empower individuals, and humble corporations that are destroying democratic rights across the free world. We need to inspire change, and not just the change created by a Government but rather, the change inspired by the people. One person's dream, could benefit many, and collectively, the dreams of a nation seen to fruition could cause a tidal wave of change that might sweep the world over. Do you dare to dream of a better tomorrow? Do you dare to act to see it to fruition?

This Dreadful Pirate, is a lofty aspirant. He dares indeed.

But where is the space for a dreamer in a world of machines and business and economics? Where is space for the Environmentalist, the Poet, the Artistic and the Wild as our resources and natural environments are purged for profit? We have become so conformed as workers and businessmen that our humanity, is becoming so seemingly enslaved by a system that seemingly erodes our spirit, and our world, in favour of profit for the few while the haves have more and the have nots seemingly have less.

There need be a balance, in this world to counter such a destructive force that is the corporate dream. For the Corporate dream, crushes the dreams of dreamers - for we are dangerous men to them.
We seek to change things; and they seek our conformity.

They may say I am a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
And I shant conform, nay - I shall don my Pirate Hat, and set sail!

For Freedom we Row, Yo Ho!

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