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The Posthuman/Transhumanist Century

The Posthuman/Transhumanist Century Posthuman or post-human is a concept originating in the fields of science fiction, futurology, contemporary art, and philosophy that literally means a person or entity that exists in a state beyond being human.

Transhumanism (abbreviated as H+ or h+) is an international cultural and intellectual movement with an eventual goal of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.

Over the next decade, and into the foreseeable future; changes in scientific technologies and research is leading mankind in a direction toward the eventual use of technology as bio-augmentation's that would see mankind, physically, psychologically, and intellectually evolve to a state that some refer to as Trans-human, or Post-human. This change is coming towards us at an accelerated rate, and from multiple avenues in the form of DNA modification and splicing, but also in the form of mechanical limbs, mechanical minds, organs and external technologies that enhance our abilities - such as Optical devices like Google Glass.

These technologies, wield great potential for positive and negative results. If left in private hands without oversight, these technologies could allow for the rise of threats we have never seen before; that could threaten democracy, global stability, and even human civilization as a whole. Adequate research by government, and public policy based on that research should ensure that such technologies are widely available, and not restricted in access to only those who can afford such, but rather, they should be developed in a manner that makes their accessibility public.

Alike Computers and our Internet access today, Trans-humanist, or Post-humanist technology of tomorrow, should be as easily accessible as Public Healthcare and the Internet. These technologies, in the hands of the public - rather than just private institutions, will raise the bar of our societies overall capability and progress, and not just raise the bar of those who lead our society higher, which would further escalate social and economic divide.

In today's world, trans-humanist technology is already entering our reality and is quickly changing the lives of individuals, but it will eventually permeate into society at large as it becomes more advanced and more available. Here are a few examples of the existing, and potentially soon emerging technologies and a few of their benefits, and potential consequences we should be aware of, and discussing politically, as we move into the future.

Existing & Emerging Trans-humanist Technologies (2015)

  • Artificial Limbs, Joints and Prosthetic's

  • Hearings Aids / Implants

  • Health Monitoring Devices

  • Vision Restoration/Enhancing Implants

  • Gene Therapy / DNA Modification

  • Mind Clones / Uploading / Brain Prosthesis

  • Brain Networks / Hive Minds

  • Brain-Computer Interfaces

  • Optical Head-Mounted Displays

  • Enhanced Learning / Memory Storage / Artificially Enhanced Intelligence

  • Cryonics (Also referred to as Cryogenics)

  • Powered Exoskeletons

  • Human Flight/Speed Enhancing Technology

FOR MORE DETAILS/LINKS TO INFORMATION ON THESE TECHNOLOGIES, LOOK TO THE BOTTOM OF THE ARTICLE These types of technologies, wield the potential to generate massive social, economic and societal changes on their own, but in combination, may transform the reality of life itself into something far beyond what we have ever seen before. Trans-humanist culture and society, and Trans-humanist Colonies and Cities of the future - may be very different than our cities and society today. The capabilities and potential, of a technologically enhanced humanity; we can only barely begin to fathom, but that doorway of potential, is creaking open ever so swiftly and merging with our reality as we traverse into the future. Will we be ready for these changes, or will they happen so quickly that society is transformed before our eyes without the input of the general public? Will these technologies be wielded and unleashed by mad scientists, elitist individuals and corporations seeking power and profit, or released to the public for the good of all mankind? Will the benefits these technologies bring to the future of our civilization, be shared amongst all - or controlled by the few to maintain the hierarchical structure of society that exists today causing further social divide as the haves, and have nots, literally split into two different cultures of technologically enhanced and not.

If we do not have, the public debate about Transhumanist culture, alike the emerging Space Industry, it will be taken up and pursued by Private Hands. Those private hands, may, or may not have the intent to utilize these technologies to benefit society. Should we really leave that chance up to the roll of the dice? Or should we begin to wade into the debate about the future of Transhumanist culture, before and as it emerges - rather than after the fact, when the damage is already done, or when we are too far gone down a road to turn back. Let us reflect upon, then what the cities of the future might look like, in a Transhumanist Culture, to the best of our perception and seek to prepare for such.

Firstly, what kind of major changes can we expect, based upon existing and emerging technologies. Take into account, that these technologies we are exploring now in their early stages; would likely be developed much further by such a culture... but at least as a starting point, let's ponder the possibility of what tomorrow's technologically enhanced cultures and cities might look like, and how they might function.Quantum Leap with me, back to the Future... And let us ponder tomorrow.

Transhumanist Cities / Colonies / Culture

Broke your leg in a hoverboard accident? In only a few hours, you might be able to 3D Print and Install a new bone or a whole new leg.... Lose an eye? They can grow you a new one from your other eye's stem cells! The potential changes in biotechnology will in itself, change our society and our culture in ways we are just starting to grasp. Will such replacement parts be as quick to access, as a new headset for your smartphone is today in 10 or 20 years? Replaceable body parts, and 3D Printed organs - will drastically change many things, but the most intriguing use of this technology would be the end game of growing a whole new body, and transplanting your living brain into a new you. Imagine aging until your 90's, then getting a new body that is a 20 year old clone of yourself... On top of hitting the biological reset button, that new body could even be technologically enhanced, with nanotechnology that would service and maintain every organ and every cell in your body and let you know in advance, that your oil needs a change, so to speak.. or maybe you need a new heart, or liver after that night of heavy drinking on your 2nd 19th birthday.... Maybe with that kind of advanced technology and understanding of human anatomy that will come with it, we won't age at the same rate, or maybe, we can fine tune our genetics through Genetic engineering to switch off 'aging'... or prolong it. Say your 20s last until 300. Your 30's are from 300-400. Your 40's are 400-500... Catch my drift?? We're closing in on that potential already, but what will do with it? The potential of replaceable body parts, is astounding - as it is but one more small step, toward us overcoming human mortality.

But that is not even the only way, that humans of the future - could potentially live forever, or for drastically extended amounts of time. Another option exists that some might opt towards, is known as a Mind Clone. Which would allow people to 'upload' a copy of their thoughts to a machine, or database - which would allow you to create a permanent copy of yourself, that would not age. A good example of this, is seen in the latest Superman film when Clarke speaks to the 'holographic' copy of his father aboard his ship. This copy is not his father, but retains every memory and thought that he possessed... Are such thoughts of these technologies, truly a glimpse into our own future? Science fiction often is... so perhaps, we are not that far away from attaining such technological capability here and now, today. Such mind clones could populate future Mausoleum's and stand for the rest of time, allowing your relatives a hundred generations from now, to visit, and speak with a digitized, or robotic/android version of you. "Hello great great great grandfather, tell me about life back in 2020... before the Trans-humanist Culture began. It'd be like us going back in time, to ask our great great grandparents about the days before the Age of Sail, or the invention of roads. We can create a future where that's possible for our descendants, if we choose to - and have the foresight to think that far ahead.

Trans-humanist Culture, will likely see the development of advanced Artificial Intelligence Systems, that are both standalone, and communal in nature. Entire Industries, Communities, or Cultures - might develop their own centralized Artificial Intelligence systems to assist in streamlining their communications and development process. Instead of every scientist in the world looking for who holds the next piece of the puzzle, a Global Scientific Research AI - could be connected with every Scientist worldwide in all fields, and could coordinate efforts between them with ease, and also synchronize the updating of research, which is a common problem in scientific fields today - the left hand has no idea what the right hand is working on. Such an AI could provide a 'brain' and organizational capacity for countless fields, which would improve upon our societal capacity and rate of progress a thousand times over - in an instant. Medicine, Scientific Research, Historical Research, and much more will transform instantly with the assistance of networked Artificial Intelligence's.

Integrated Robotics, whereas people could utilize Bionic Eyes to visually control a fleet of drones - could have the potential to help us Colonize the Moon, or Mars from safety in Orbit. Orbital engineers could control a Fleet of Construction and Terraforming Robots on the Martian surface, with holographically projected maps and images, controlled by brain to computer interfaces built into an orbiting space station. Why send people to land on Mars to build Colonies, when we could send a few people into Orbit for a year or two, to build up the infrastructure with Robotics and study potential landing sites - before returning to Earth and sending a second team of Engineers to continue development. Several years before Colonists place feet on the ground, we could do orbital round trips and set up some infrastructure, which might be hugely beneficial to our long term Colonization prospects... and increase our chances of success, rather then sending people on a one way ticket we're not sure they will survive.

Self replicating robotics, is an emerging field of technology that is also likely to be a major part of Trans-humanist Culture. 3D printed robotics at the moment, mostly require human assembly, but at a certain point, it is possible and likely, that a machine will construct an array of machines to complete all tasks necessary to construct automated factories that can produce entire cities. Imagine a 3D printer, that printed mining robots to collect resources, drones to seek out mining locations, robots to assist in assembly tasks, robots to assist in maintenance and repair tasks, robots to manage biological resources like plants and animals for future colonists, all operated by an Artificial Intelligence that coordinated the logistics and development of the entire cities operations with assistance from Orbital Engineers. Such self replicating robotics, could hugely benefit Orbital Technicians in their Colonization Operations - and we are already seeing the start of this path being forged today with 3D printers that can 3D Print, working 3D Printers. This type of engineering, will open the door to the development of Mega-structures, such as Arcologies and Massive Planetary Scale Constructions the likes of which we only now, see in science fiction. Once humanity is no longer constrained by the physical costs of labor, the construction of such mega-structures will be a simple matter of design, allocating adequate resources and the time it takes to build them. China is currently leading this type of development with the production of 3D printed houses, while even more proposals have been made around the world to construct sky scrapers, bridges, and Arcologies from 3D printers. Self replication and 3D Printing, will play a huge role in the future of our society, and certainly in Trans-humanist, or Post-human culture - and is a subject that going forward, requires intensive study, and development.

We will likely even see the development of Trans-humanist subcultures over time, as certain technologies are accepted or not, and modified and enhanced by their respective user base. Some groups within society might find it preferable to have a human brain in a fully automated robot body that doesn't tire out, or some may find it preferable to not have a body at all, and operate in a manner where their brain is merely digitally connected. Some may choose to have no aspect of Trans-humanist technology implanted in them whatsoever, and may utilize external augmentations such as products like Google Glass - to maintain their competitiveness in a Post-human world. Some may use genetic modification to enhance their natural skills that no other subculture possesses, creating the ultimate martial artist, master piano player, or the most flexible gymnast ever through genetic enhancement. Science fiction often gives us perspective of the potential the future holds, but as we move toward it, we often discover our visions of the future - no matter how in depth; are still but only but a glimpse of the reality that truly awaits us.

That being said, and with all this potential right around the corner... maybe its time the world's politician's starting wading into the pool of debate that surrounds these technologies and trans-humanism in general. It would be most appropriate, to ensure that such implanted, and personalized technologies are 'unhackable and incorruptible' - by ensuring their security with the latest Quantum Computing Security techniques, and by the utilizing of hard links rather than Wifi for updating of software. Think the Matrix, of having to get plugged in to learn, vs I Robot where updates are controlled by Remote Internet access. Would you want someone to be able to upload false memories into your brain and delete your Stored Memories? Aka Total recall? Probably not...

So, tomorrow's Politicians will have some tough questions to answer.... starting with:

  • Who will own the technology?

  • Will it be heavily restricted, or widely available?

  • Will we see access to trans-humanist technology as a right, or will it be made available only to those who can afford it?

  • What will it do to the gap between rich and poor if unbalanced in its distribution?

  • Will it increase inequality or decrease it?

  • How can dangerous trans-humanist type weapons be controlled, and perilous arms races be prevented?

  • How will Trans-humanist technology users protect their own personal data from external influences such as hacking/corruption?

When these questions will arise in the public houses of democracy, is still up in the air; but the Cosmic Pirate Party, will be ready for them when they do, and we will encourage the debate of such subjects as part of our party platform in Canada, to make sure that these conversations enter our debate going forward before the technologies arrive.

Lest, if we don't ... Canada, and the world might be doomed to some terrible technological dystopian fate... like the rise of HarpBorg. :/

Star Captain Dread

Andrew Kuess


SOURCE(s): "Seemingly artificial signals could come from super-intelligent (though not necessarily conscious) computers, created by a race of alien beings that had already died," warns Rees.

Existing & Emerging Trans-humanist Technologies (2015)

Artificial Limbs, Joints and Prosthetic's

Terminator Arm:

Limb Arm:

3D Printed Prosthetic Hand:

Prosthetic Hand that can Feel:

3D Printed Bio-Cement:

Hearings Aids / Implants

XCEL by Siemens:

iMini by Siemens:

IHealth Monitoring Devices Improved Antennae for HMD's:

Wearable Health Monitoring Devices: Restoration/Enhancing Implants

Real Bionic Eye: Eyesight: Sight:

Gene Therapy / DNA Modification

Genetic Engineering:

Self Limiting Genes - Programmed Extinction:

China Wont Agree to Moratorium on Modifying Human Embryos:

Muscular Pigs Created by Small Genetic Tweak:

Mind Clones / Uploading / Brain Prosthesis

Mind Clone:

Uploading / Whole Brain Emulation:

Brain Networks / Hive Minds

Brain to Brain Networking:

Hive Mind:

Multi-species Brain Net:

Brain-Computer Interfaces

Implanted Robotic Interfaces:

Optical Head-Mounted Displays


Enhanced Learning / Memory Storage / Artificially Enhanced Intelligence

Brain Memory Expansion:

Liquid Hard Drive Implants:

Cryonics (Also referred to as Cryogenics)

Alcor Cryonics Lab:

Cryonics Research Advancements:

Cryogenics Documentary:

Powered ExoskeletonsUS Army Exoskeleton:

Hybrid Assisted Limb (HAL):

Robotic Suits Used for Naval Ship Assembly in Korea:

Human Flight/Speed Enhancing Technology

Land based Jetpack:

Jetman Dubai:

JetLev Water Jetpack:

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