Did you know that Canada has previously released official UFO sighting accounts? Did you know that Canada has a UFO Landing Pad in St.Paul, Alberta? Did you know that Canada has a former Def. Minister who pursues UFO Disclosure? Did you know that Canada was requested to build a Space Embassy for ETs? I think it's time Canada leads a global discussion on Exopolitics. Exopolitics: The art or science of government as concerned with creating or influencing policy toward extraterrestrial phenomena and extraterrestrial beings. When we step foot on Mars, we will prove Alien life is possible... that's not far away. There are countless rumors, claims, and historic records of otherworldly encounters. In 2017, the Canadian Mint published a USS Enterprise coin shaped as a Starship. In 2018, the Canadian Mint published a luminous coin series featuring a UFO. Is the world prepared for the Implications, or should these issues be debated by our leaders in an upcoming Canadian Election? We wish to dig deeper, and reveal the truth about this long hidden subject - and we believe that it is necessary at the dawn of this new Space Age. This Database provides access to about 9,500 digitized documents from our government records collection. These documents include reports, sightings and investigations of UFOs across Canada. #TheTruthItOutThere #TimeToExplore https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/unusual/ufo/Pages/default.aspx
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