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Billions of years ago, two Galaxies came to their
cataclysmic end in a devastating Cosmic Crash. 
Countless Star systems and their worlds were destroyed by this cosmic destruction; a bitter end for thousands of civilizations..
Within the great calamity, many civilizations are coming to their end while others are merely beginning their cosmic ascent. Your story shall begin on planet Zanatu, a large Earth-like world that orbits the Red Giant Star, Zanek. Your name is SciHarZan Orgyle, you are a Zanatusian Scientist and Harvester for the Work Faction.

Upon this day a great journey awaits you, as an ancient artifact shall come into your possession, and you shall set out on a journey to determine the origins of the recovered artifact, along with many other ancient architecture sites and artifacts that are scattered across your planet.
However, an untimely rebellion of one of the Zanatusian slave races has created a labyrinth of catastrophes that has made normal travel on planet Zanatu difficult. Military escorts and transportation are available in hostile regions if you choose to remain non-violent, so you can avoid most of the conflict, and stay true to your scientific path of study and non-violence, or if you desire, you can join the Zan Military as well and fight the growing slave rebellion that is threatening your civilization's future while you crusade across the world of Zanatu to uncover it's deepest and darkest ancient secrets...
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In the near future, an Airship Aircology prototype is built in Canada. Pilot the city as it journeys across the nation - and world of the future. 

The Airship Arcology is an Airship City that has a multitude of functionalities and features. As the Airship Arcology Commander, you will travel across the world and seek to help develop additional Arcology projects as well as assist in military, ecological, rescue, and development operations. 





JULY 22 2022 Nevada Desert - Nevada, USA



The transport truck moved silently as it crossed through the desert.  The sand made little sound as it drifted around the truck, and the sun was of little comfort as I stared out across the distance.  The heat caused a shimmering of light atop the sand, and for a moment one could almost imagine seeing something that wasn't quite there - a mirage...  Truly, I saw nothing. There was little comfort in knowing that the last thing I might see upon the face of this Earth, was this place. An endless field of dirt, full of lies, blistering under the blazing sun... 


But at least it's warm - I guess I should probably try to enjoy that. Where we're headed, I hear it's a hell of a lot colder.



There are twenty eight of us shackled to this barren transport truck's interior, roasting as we're slowly shipped across the Desert toward a Spaceport.  A ship is there waiting for us there, the WOLV as its called; A launch craft that will take us to the Ferry.  The Ferry itself is a nuclear powered spacecraft that was built rapidly in orbit over the last two years.  It will take us to a remote Prison  Mining Facility on Mars, along with passengers and cargo to "The First Martian Colony".  Most of us prisoners will probably die in the mines as slaves... working to ensure the success of the Colony, while we ourselves suffer until we die. Meanwhile the Elite and their chosen 'people' will be living like Kings in abundance in a Martian Colony that's like a five star resort for 250,000.


On the good note, there are a few friends on this transport truck - shackled up around me. We'll be together for this Journey through Space. Most of us could have never afforded to go into space if it wasn't in shackles.  When we get to Mars thought, we'll likely be sent to different facilities on the planet. This trip aboard the Ferry, may likely be the last time I see someone I know and can relate to. 


We'll hope the resistance gets us out of this mess, but only time will tell if the plan will work or if we'll all just end up dead.



The world is a changing place now - every day there are events unfolding that one could not even believe would have happened so quickly only a decade ago.  War and uprisings are occuring across the Globe in almost every continent and every region. Disasters, both man made and natural - have caused untold destruction and it is only growing worse as time goes on. 


The Superpowers declared war on eachother - but their own would rise up against them and their plans for a Third World War, would seemingly be foiled. The majority of the people opposed the War that was so obviously based on lies and propaganda, and opposition was more than they expected. But it was all planned; they had wanted a revolt.


It would give them an excuse to excercise Marshall Law and turn their own citizens into Enemies, who would then become their Prisoners. Enemies would become slaves, working to further their control over mankind - using the resistors, to fight the resistance. For those who were trapped, many chose to end their own lives rather than to work as a slave to further the Elites plan. Many have already fought, and died - in order to defeat this Tyranny that seeks to overtake us.


It is unfortunate, but many willingly took the side of the Elite, and joined in waging war upon the common people for the continued benefit of the few... which they thought would include them. Those tricked by propaganda, afraid that they would be killed themselves, those who didn't care, or those who simply did it for the money.  Whatever their reason, they were traitors to the future of humanity.  They sold out our future, for their own benefit now.  


Those traitors were even among us - transporting us, as prisoners on our way to Mars. They and their leaders, would make slaves of us - forced to work deep underground in mines on the new planet.


We, the free people who revolted against them, would be forced to help them build a new Empire.

They know that we are, and that we will defeat them here, so they are planning to leave and hit the reset button for our civilization.



They are already taking massive cargo loads to Mars, along with people that they deem acceptable to live alongside them that will allow them to create a self sustained colony. We prisoners, will simply be slaves, and our children, will be slaves to their Children. Forever. They will rule over us, like the Kings of Ancient Earth ruled over our ancestors - yet living like gods with the growing technology of the world at their disposal. All of those technologies, are being turned against us - the free people who would not be ruled. 


They would seek to force rulership upon us, and will likely take our children and teach them that their lives in bondage is good for them.  Propaganda is a powerful tool, and the mind of a Child is so easily affected by teachings. When they have taken everyone and everyone that they desire to Mars...


They will kill everyone else.


The world will face nuclear disaster, and they will return in a Century or two to repopulate the Earth with the Colonists as their chosen 'survivors'.  When the disaster they create will have disappated - the rest of mankind will be gone, and the Earth will be recolonized by those colonists, who so wisely in their stroke of brilliance, escaped from the savagery of the rest of us - and were lucky enough to rebuild the Earth with their genious.


Or so, their history will say - that they left the Earth to build a better world and promote a better future. They would claim that the Earth was destroyed by barbaric savages who didn't deserve to be a part of that future. They would claim that they had reached a point of enlightment, and moved on to inspire mankind to reach for the Stars. But they themselves would cause that destruction - and simply rewrite the history of the human race for their own glory and fame.


This plan was a top secret, revealed only months before the Ferry was commissioned and began to ship Cargo to Mars. Leaked by someone on the inside. Some one deep. Rumours were abound, that it might even be a notorious "Ferry Man" aboard the Ferry itself.


But it was only a rumour, and only one of many about these Ferry Men who were about to escort us in shackles, on a journey to Mars.  


Most of the things you hear about the Ferry Men - will make it hard for you to sleep at night.



As I looked out the window; I could see the Spaceport growing ever closer...  

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